Delicious Living Contributor
Elaine Gavalas
Glucosamine & Chondroitin If your joints ache, take note of these two promising pain relievers By Victoria Dolby Toews,
Compare your knowledge of adequate water intake with current findings on proper hydration.
Pay Attention Why are so many women just now finding out they have ADD? By Emily A. Kane, ND, Lac “Things are out of
Grow An Earth-friendly Lawn Learn the organic way to maintain your yard and garden By Kathleen Christensen Photo:
Get Dinner Over Easy Eggs may be the answer when youre scrambling for a meal By Lisa Turner Photos by Rita Maas Its 5
Q: Is eating unfermented soy products bad for you? A: So far theres been little evidence that fermented soy products,
Eating For Type 2? If you have diabetes, heres how to find mealtime satisfaction By Sharon Palmer, RD Discovering that
Why I Do What I Do Sue Heilman, executive director, Horizons Initiative Whats the richest gift that society can give to
If Pregnant, Be Cautious About Ginseng Ginseng, one of the most frequently used herbal supplements in America, is often