Delicious Living Contributor
Jena Hofstedt
Snack Attack When youre hungry now, try one of these nutritious bites By Rachel Albert-Matesz You know the feeling: Its
Each of us carries around 2 to 3 pounds of calcium, the body’s most abundant mineral. Take this quiz to find out why calcium is essential to our health.
Could vitamins C and E prevent Alzheimers? Taking a high-dose combination of vitamins C and E may provide a protective
Problem? Solution! Natural fixes for 5 common beauty troubles By Anna Soref In this story, learn how aloe, burdock
Eco-style Clothing with a conscience is fashions latest trend By Christine Spehar Photos by Chris Thompson Clothes
Goal: “I want to have more energy so I can go out at night.”
Transform Your Weight Debs Goal: “I want to stop fearing exercise so I can lose weight.” By Kelli Rosen The Situation
Wise Words A moment with Kedar Prasad, PhD, cancer researcher and coauthor of Fight Cancer With Vitamins and
Transform Your Stress Erics Goal: I need to find a new way to relax, now that Im injured and cant do sports. By Kelli