Delicious Living Contributor
Heather Jones
Eat more nuts Sure, nuts are full of fat, but the good kinds: poly- and monounsaturated. These nutrient bombs are well
The subject: Amber ShaferAge: 28Occupation: Magazine advertising and sales representative Health goals: Stop smoking
AvocadosNutrients: Vitamins A and C, folate, potassiumHow they help control weight: Although this fruit is
Feeling tired, bloated, and headachy after the holidays? It’s no wonder. Excessive eating and drinking during the
Q. Besides meat, what are the best blood-building foods, herbs, and supplements? A. Blood, the liquid essence of life,
Eat breakfast.Whole-grain cereal with skim milk or a fruit and kefir smoothie will fill you up so you’re less likely to
Winter brings enough holiday parties, shopping sprees, and travel to wear down even the hardiest among us. How can you
Cranberry juice isn’t just for urinary health anymore. According to recent research, the cocktail may fight cancer,
Black-eyed peas. How to choose: Also called cowpeas, these legumes are traditionally eaten in the South for good