Delicious Living Contributor
Lauren Grant
Show your partner you love them in ways other than saying those three magical words.
Learn how to communicate “I love you” so that your partner actually believes it.
This breakfast drink works well for those who have a hard time eating breakfast.
Oatmeal often gets slathered with honey or sugar and cinnamon, but wait until you try it with savory, satisfying cheese and sausage!
Rather than the same combo every day, try some flavorful twists.
Make a batch for a week of quick morning meals.
Chia seeds are packed with protein, fiber, antioxidants and calcium. Adding liquid gives the seeds a consistency similar to tapioca.
Muesli is a great alternative to expensive packaged cereal, and it’s filled with fiber, protein and flavor.
Spicy and filling breakfast tacos have one advantage everyone loves: You can eat them quickly, with your hands.