Delicious Living Contributor
Laurie Gauguin
A few decades ago, when supplements were still in small demand, the ingredients supply seemed inexhaustible. But during
This month marks Earth Day’s 39th anniversary, and to help you celebrate, we’ve dedicated our entire April issue to honoring this important holiday.
Serves 4 / This recipe employs the technique of echoing flavors: smoked pepper spice on the fish in a stew of peppers
These are great with lamb or rice or just a spoon. They’ll keep for a week in the fridge.
Tight deadlines, tough responsibilities, a volatile economy … Let’s face it: Work is stressful these days. “On a scale
Read related article: Beauty from within ALCOHOL When your liver has to process excessive alcohol, it produces free
According to recent research, regularly eating watercress significantly decreases DNA damage to cells. Pair that with the abundant antioxidants in grapefruit and avocado, and you have a refreshing and healthy late-winter salad.
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, high-fiber flaxseeds offer nutrient benefits only when ground (whole flaxseeds pass right through), so opt for the most finely ground flaxseeds you can find, or grind your own in a coffee grinder.
Serves 8 / This would work equally well with ground turkey or beef. This can be served at the table with each person