Delicious Living Contributor
Jack Challem
Three longevity experts share the latest wisdom on how to live a longer, more vibrant life
Grass fed buffalo makes a lean alternative to meat.
Bring some diversity in food sources to the dinner table with heirloom foods.
Contact your representatives today asking them to protect and support organic farming in the pending rewrite of the 2012 Farm Bill.
Food Day aims to raise awareness over the increasingly processed and genetically modified state of the American food system.
Delicious Living BlogHealthNutrition
What’s up with kids and caffeinated energy drinks?
October 21, 2011Whatever happened to water? Caffeinated drinks for children seem to a potentially dangerous growing trend, especially given the fact that no viable studies have been done on the effects of caffeine on kids.
Research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry finds that coffee’s antioxidant effect is due to increased liver enzyme activity.
There’s a vibrant national movement afoot to give our Halloween traditions a green upgrade with healthy snacks and organic, natural candy alternatives.
Delicious Living BlogHealthNatural beauty
Should your beauty regimen go gluten free?
October 6, 2011Is gluten-free personal care bogus, or has the science just not caught up?