Delicious Living Contributor
Susan Enfield
In a new study, office managers who did mindfulness training not only were less stressed out by multitasking, but they also were able to concentrate longer without being distracted. Why isn’t every company investing in this training?i
Delicious Living BlogHealthSupplements
Raise your glass: Resveratrol shows exercise benefits
June 20, 2012A new study shows resveratrol may boost exercise performance. But will chugging red wine land us a place in the London Olympics?
Michael Natkin’s cookbook, Herbivoracious, is filled with down-to-earth ethnic recipes for vegetarians and vegans that will inspire home cooks and satisfy any vore (carni-, omni-, or herbi-).
A new apartment seems to have a few more creepy roommates than bargained for. Is there a natural remedy for spider control?
Summer brings out weekend warriors in force. Although NSAIDs and other pain relievers offer short-term relief, you can do better: Several natural supplements ease injury-related inflammation and pain while accelerating healing.
Delicious Living BlogHealthSupplements
Safe weight loss supplements: seaweed vs. protein
June 6, 2012Fat-burning supplements mean big business for natural retailers. New studies back both seaweed extract and protein blends. Which would you rather take?
Recent study monitoring the memory and thinking processes of people older than 65 found that those with higher blood caffeine levels avoided Alzheimer’s disease.
Simple secrets to create flavorful dressings for great salads every time.
Delicious Living BlogHealthSupplements
Why you should take the calcium/heart attack study with a grain of salt
May 31, 2012Wondering about the validity of a new study linking calcium supplements to heart attack risk? So is Robert Rountree, MD, Boulder, Colo.-based integrative physician and Delicious Living’s medical editor.