Take the guesswork out of eating vegan on-the-go with five smartphone apps that find restaurants and foods to satisfy plant-based cravings.
Take the guesswork out of eating vegan on-the-go with five smartphone apps that find restaurants and foods to satisfy plant-based cravings.
Quick! Where's your smartphone? Sitting right next to you?
I thought so. Mine, too.
The year 2013 promises to connect us via mobile like never before. In September 2012, Pew Internet released the latest smartphone research, finding that 45 percent of all American adults and two-thirds of all young adults now own a smartphone.
What's more interesting is that nearly half of us in the past 30 days have probably used our smart phones to:
- Look up something to settle an argument
- Decide whether to visit a business, such as a restaurant
- Or solve and unexpected problem
Something that could encompass all three is deciding what to eat when you're a vegan on-the-go. Luckily, we can use our smartphones to settle gastronomic issues and discover the right restaurants and foods to satisfy plant-based cravings.
Here are the top five vegan apps that make it easy.
1. Nommunity (iPhone; Free)
Not just for vegans, this app makes it easy to find and share your thoughts on local restaurants that fall into the following categories: vegan, vegetarian, kosher, gluten-free, locally grown, and organic. This community-driven app depends on people like you to add to its database.
2. Animal-Free (iPhone & Android; Free)
This pocket reference guide (think a digital complement to Veganissimo, but less comprehensive) helps you make veg-friendly shopping decisions with its animal and plant-based ingredient lists. Plus, you can scan a barcode to read user reviews about vegan products you're thinking of buying.
3. VeggiePassport (iPhone; $.99)
Ever been in a foreign country (or among non-English speakers) and weren't sure how to communicate the fact that you're vegan? This app lets you type in what you do or don't eat and translates it to almost 95 percent of the world's languages. Simply show the message to your food provider to eliminate confusion
4. Veg Travel Guide by Happy Cow (iPhone, Android; $2.99 & free version)
The popular searchable vegetarian dining guide goes mobile with its free and paid for app that helps you locate restaurants, natural health food stores and other veg-friendly businesses in 90+ countries. Also caters to organic and raw food seekers.
5. VeganXpress (iPhone; $1.99)
This app will become your best friend when eating out with non-veg friends. A quick search for popular restaurants reveals menu items that are safe for vegans. No more pestering the wait staff!
BONUS: Cruelty-Free (iPhone, Android; Free)
While not for food, the official app of the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics' Leaping Bunny Program helps you find more than 200 U.S. and Canadian companies that don't test on animals. Great for impromptu cosmetics or household products purchases.