All your lifestyle creaks and groans hold the promise of being whisked away by a sweet, sumptuous Saturday morning at your local spa—the work stresses, the sleeping trouble, and just the general ennui of postmodern life in a COVID world.
Unfortunately, many spas are closed or have limited offerings for the time being. And many of us aren’t comfortable going to a spa mid-pandemic. Now what?
As with so much else in our lives today, we are learning to pivot to a homestyle approximation of the spa experience. And creative, ubiquitous hemp CBD products can help.
Your bathroom is the clear place for your spa. Start with lighting some CBD incense or a CBD candle. Yes, of course those are things. Blended with palo santo, lavender, or cypress, it’s all very bespoke.
Now, turn on the bath. Yes, there are CBD bath bombs to help soothe and restore your skin.
Since we’re getting decadent, how about a fizzy drink? Crack open a can of your favorite CBD carbonated beverage. That’s a thing too. Now pour it into your white wine glass with some ice cubes. Put a CBD cookie next to that glass.
Follow your bath with CBD balm or cream. Relaxed yet?
For more, see I Believe in Hemp