Acupuncture. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) teaches that a stagnation of energy caused by hormonal imbalances, emotional problems or poor dietary habits can lead to masses in the abdomen known as fibroids. Needles inserted by a trained practitioner can improve blood and energy flow, easing painful symptoms such as cramping and fatigue.
Enzyme therapy. Systemic enzyme therapy is used to help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, boost the immune system and break up fibroid formation. Enzymes are the protein-rich substances responsible for initiating or speeding up virtually every bodily process. Therefore, they can be helpful in supporting bodily systems that are under strain due to fibroid growth. A practitioner skilled in enzyme therapy can prescribe the correct regimen of plant- and animal-based enzymes, which support bodily systems.
Dietary approaches. What you take into your body can have a drastic effect on your hormone levels. Avoiding animal products and sticking to whole grains such as millet, oats, and rye as well as plenty of organic vegetables and fruits will help keep estrogen levels low. Add seeds to the diet including flax, pumpkin and sunflower along with nuts such as almonds and pistachios to increase intake of important essential fatty acids and protein. Skip all milk products and reduce intake of red meat and poultry to reduce external sources of estrogen. Minimize intake of saturated fats, salt, alcohol, refined sugar and caffeine to ease inflammation and cramping. Experiment with soy foods (see “Two Sides of Soy”).
Bodywork. Performing regular aerobic exercise at least three times a week will reduce cramping, increase energy and help reduce menstrual blood flow. Specific yoga exercises can improve pelvic circulation and relax uterine muscles. Meditation, deep breathing and counseling can ease stressful situations that may be contributing to fibroid formation.
Embolization. While under mild sedation, a physician inserts catheter wires through leg veins into the blood vessels of the uterus. While viewing the procedure through X-ray images, the doctor injects dye to see blood flow to the tumors, followed by an injection containing tiny beads. These beads shut off the tumor’s blood supply, slowly killing the fibroid, which is then flushed out of the body during menstruation.