Debra Stark's adaptation of "The Life-Changing Loaf of Bread" by Sara Briton is a snap to make. It’s also chock-a-block full of nutrients, protein, minerals, fiber, gluten-free, nut-free and vegan if you use coconut oil (or olive or sesame oil; both are additional options).
Should you use organic seeds and oats? Goes without saying.
These freeze beautifully but also last at room temperature on an uncovered plate for a few days. It's great to have a few slices as breakfast with warm tea.
Having a dinner party? Make tiny cracker-size breads and put them out with guacamole or hummus.
Life Changing Bread (Adapted)
- In a bowl, combine all ingredients, stirring well. Let the dough stand for about five minutes; then, using a small size scoop or a ¼ cup measuring cup, dollop bread onto greased cookie sheet(s). Flatten with a wet hand. (I like to flatten my bread thin because I like it crisp and crunchy when I eat it.) You can make these perfectly round or not, it’s up to you.
- Let slices sit about 20 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 325. Bake bread 20 minutes. Flip and bake about another 20 minutes, depending upon how crisp you like your bread, your oven, the weather and your baking pans (they’re all different).